Wonosobo is the Gateway to Dieng Plateau.

Dieng Plateau is a caldera complex formed by the eruption of ancient mega volcano. The volcanic activity continue, with sulphuric fumes and poisonous lakes; set in attractive surroundings with highly cultivated mountain slopes, making a patchwork background. There are many sights to visit there.

These are the big sights and activities to do in Dieng Plateau:

- A must see is Sikidang crater with its bubbling waters and steamy hot air.

- Lake Warna is colourful due to sulphur deposits. Beautiful views from Dieng Plateau theater.

- Some sights in Dieng Plateau with archeological interest: Arjuna complex are an ancient hindu temples are the oldest in Indonesia. Bima temple is a small temple at the entrance of Sikidang crater. Gatotkaca temple has a museum with statues and sculptures.

- More sights around Dieng Plateau area: Candradimuka crater, Sirangkel waterfall, Sileri crater, Jolotundo wellspring, Pulasari hot spring & Merdada lake.